Ivel Valley


Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

What is RSE and why is it important?

RSE is an important and statutory part of our curriculum at Ivel Valley. RSE plays an essential role in safeguarding children through supporting them to understand the difference between safe and abusive relationships, and equipping them with the skills to get help if they need it. It is part of life-long learning: it promotes pupils’ respect for themselves and others, and supports the transition from childhood through adolescence and into adulthood. It is important to be clear that RSE is not about the promotion of sexual activity, but around keeping pupils safe. Our policy (see below) explains a bit more about what we teach and why.

What role do families play?

Working in partnership with families is a very important strand of effective RSE and we are very aware that families may face challenging circumstances at home that are relevant to RSE. Working in partnership with families helps to achieve consistency and helps everyone to positively support a child’s independence and successful journey to adulthood. 

How can Ivel Valley support our families?

  • Please know that we recognise that some pupils with SEND need a lot of extra support in understanding RSE and appropriate behaviours related to this.
  • Please feel confident to speak honestly and openly to us. We are experienced in discussing sensitive issues, such as puberty, menstruation and masturbation, and are happy to try and support you and your child, with a non-judgemental approach.
  • Communicate openly with your child’s class teacher about any RSE-related concerns – we will always try to support if possible and appropriate. Examples of concerns could include: struggles with hygiene, issues with friendships, lack of public / private understanding, unsafe online behaviours or struggles to understand changes during puberty, such as erections or body hair, and many more!
  • If your child has had any life experiences that might impact their engagement with RSE-related activities, please let us know so that we can support them sensitively. 
  • Talk about RSE during Annual Review meetings! We can set specific RSE-related targets if this is relevant for your child.
  • Our pupils have such unique needs that we keep a huge bank of RSE resources Let us know if you need any specific resources: if we can help, we will share any relevant resources that we have.
  • The Family Support Team have developed a pack with resources about puberty – if this would help, contact them on emily.snapes@ivelvalley.beds.sch.uk or melissa.critchley@ivelvalley.beds.sch.uk or via the main school number.

For our RSE policy please go to our Policies Page

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